Quoted By:
>INI 6-Z21 Revolutionary Arditi- Attacks D-11 Eberhardt with Assault Armament, Machine Guns. ATK 4+1 vs DEF 4+2, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 8, 7, 7, 7, 3, 5, 5, 2, 7) 5 Hits. (Squads 3 takes 2 damage, Squads 1, 4 and 5 take 1)
>INI 6-X20 Revolutionary Arditi- Attacks D-9 Totmann with Assault Armament, Machine Guns. ATK 4+1 vs DEF 2+2, 4+ to Hit. (Rolled 8, 2, 4, 7, 8, 1, 6, 2, 6, 4, 3, 7, 3, 8, 10) 9 Hits, 1 Crit. (Squads 1, 4, 5 take 3 damage. Squads 2, 3 take 1 damage. Squad 4 is Destroyed)
>INI 5-NN29 T-16Bs- Attempts to attack C-5 Martins, but target is no longer visible.
>INI 5-NN28 T-16Bs Attempts to attack C-5 Martins, but target is no longer visible.
>INI 5-NN27 T-16Bs Attempts to attack C-5 Martins, but target is no longer visible.
>INI 5- J-9 Fuchs- Attempts to attack X20 Revolutionary Arditi. Attack blocked due to smoke.
>INI 3-ii14 AB14/29- Attacks R-6 Fiskersonn. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+1, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 1, 10, 5, 7, 3) One Crit. PRC 3+ vs ARM 2 (Plus Penetration has an extra point of PRC at close range (One third of range)) (Mirage Aspect Nullifies Attack)
>Mortars- Vitelian Truck Mortars bombard D-9 Totmann’s position with Sulfur Mustard. (Effect- 1 Damage and Reduction of Attack) (Gas Protection- No Effect)
>Artillery Bombardment- 16cm Howitzers strike nn30. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. (Rolled 1, 5, 9) Two Hits. Two Targets Destroyed.
>Reaction Fire- D-13 Becker ambushes W20 AB 12/27LFs. ATK 2 vs DEF 3+1, 7+ to Hit. (Knife Fighter makes Hits Crits.) (Rolled 10, 3, 7, 3) PRC 2 vs ARM 1. Two Crits, Four Damage.
>Reaction Fire- D-3 Ferrari ambushes jj21 Twaryian Kusaki (Biters). ATK 2 vs DEF 5+1, 9+ to Hit. (Rolled 6, 3, 8, 2, 5, 5) No Hits.
>Reaction Fire- D-5 Raine ambushes ff22 AB20/30Xs. PRC 2 vs ARM 3+, 10s required to hit. Attacks with flamethrowers, howitzers. (Rolled 9, 5, 10, 8, 5, 1) One Incendiary Crit- Two Damage.
>Sudden Encounter! D-14 FF is entangled with Twaryian Kusaki.