>>6032930There are two types of law, some men say: the kind we create as a species, and the underlying and unforgiving law beneath that... The law of nature, physical or metaphysical. Today, perhaps, we see a clash of two such systems, as
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)and
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)battle it out to see which of these agents of their own peculiar orders will be the second contender to reach five points, and step up to Beta! But what form will this epic clash of ideology take?
<span class="mu-i">EVENT TWNETY-ONE: ZUMBA DANCE CONTEST</span>
Pfffffhaaaaahahahahaha. Alright, random event roll, that’s top kek.
Well, what of our other two kings-in-waiting? Both are astronauts, after a fashion, though one has traveled far further across a conventional cosmos, and the other has instead journeyed to the centre of the self, and hopped to planes beyond the material. It’s
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)versus
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)The question NOW, though, is not who can fly higher or go further, but who can avoid crashing down to earth in…
<span class="mu-i">EVENT TWENTY-FOUR: JENGA</span>