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There's a Refugee Camp erected on what used to be a meadow, close by Everdote, a Rhean village. Those in the Camp are mostly Rhean civilians from the hinterland villages already razed or occupied by Myrmid warswarms
There had been a river two days away, according to locals, but it's been trampled dry by battle.
Only the presence of Dwarven Peacekeepers has stalled the fighting, both sides preferring to let the other strike first in front of an impartial witness, since the Dwarves will readily prevent the worst of it. That the fact of the first strike will give the other side cassus belli is lost on no one.
For this politic advantage, Myrmids and Rheans keep presenting ever more tempting targets without war import and provoking displays to their enemy while moaning about land theft, barbaric oppression and genocide. The Dwarves, who were originally here to stabilize the region and maintain trade routes, just sigh and keep their axes honed. Timeoff is suspended, out-rotation extended, and beer-rationing has begun. Nobody's happy.
Coming within sight of Camp Everdote you don't think there's a war on: Rheas know how to cook, esteeming food to the point of cultural religion1, and it smelz GREAT.
There's a hundred cookfires all over the camp, each serving up to three families either seated on the ground or at kludged pikkynikk tables. Food's plain but plenty, thanks to the Dwarven watch over the relief trains: all food issuance is quickly made to the Rhean community representatives on the day of arrival, because otherwise the rations just evaporate from the wagons under active guard; the Dwarves on duty get charged with Demerits, and the now slightly plumper Rheas complain ever louder about oppression through starvation.
Seafood gets off his Dummy piggaback ride some distance from Everdote.
"Tudi. This your Shifu is weary of the journey. He will surrender himself to the generosity of the common folk awhile. We will meet again at this place in 1d12+2 days."
"<span class="mu-g">nerr, can I'z surrender too? Could do with some hot eatzies.</span>"
"You. Too ugly, too odorous. Take Mo Ao with you and sort yourselves. Don't bother me. Immerse and enrich yourselves. Of all the things to steal, knowledge and information are the most valuable."
So saying, he takes some Stuffs and Grain coins from you and meanders off. Not into the Camp, but into the village.
You follow him from the dark of the forest. He picks a cottage to knock at: two old Rheas open. He immediately starts blubbering, offering them Stuffs and Grains.
And they take him in! Just like that! You catch his smirk at you just before the door closes.
"<span class="mu-g">hhkek. Based.</span>"
1: You've seen a Fighty One challenge a Rhea party member to a duel by breaking a single uncooked string-spagett in front of her. You're still not sure if it was a joke: they both died from mobb pluppens before you could fink to ask.