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[][]<span class="mu-s">RESPONSE REPORT</span>[][]
Derrechston Township Branch Office intrusion warding breached twixt Laud and Best 7am and 11am.
Entry breach made at the gated front doors, dimensions 3 spans by 3.5 spans pinky tip to thumb tip, full extension. No filings, chemcaust, runeburn, or blasticine traces found. Suspicion of Masterwork Phasic weaponry usage, not in line with the coinage value targeted. Initial impression of misfeant being well-prepared or well-backed, yet simple. Gate has been removed for forensic sampling.
Door and gate locks untampered.
Entry breach through Teller Cage made similar to the gated doors, despite the counter side entry being unlocked and unobstructed. Surmise that cutting through the cage was easier for the misfeant than casual observation and search for any easier access.
Cash boxes and changing tills breached without search or hesitation, possible foreknowledge.
Drawer and till locks were destroyed a sliding of the same breaching tool used on the gate and cage into the gap between lock and jamb. Breaching tool supposed to be a needle or blade not thicker than 2 scruples 36mm. Length and shape uncertain.
Preliminarily, no castings were made on premises during the time of breach.
No local assistance available: Derrechston is completely depopulated and without representation.
Warders have withdrawn to observational distance.
Additional forensic resources and Wardry support urgently required.
Misfeant is expected to be diminutive, as Rhea, Gnome, certain Padfoot phenotypes, or small Dwarf. They should be without magic, work singly or in small cohort. Assume dangerously armed and unpredictable. Presume high access and connection to Evil elements or bodies.
Statement of coinage accounted at last close, coinage presumed removed, and damage assessment are enclosed with this report.
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Road Warder Mule Dew
Road Warder Skelly</span>[][]