>>5960324>>5960322>>5960325>24, Jack Bauer etc torture violenceYes I do see your point and understand the references to the post 9/11 HOMELAND NATIONAL SECURITY prerogative (see my picture here
>>5935916 ) sort of normalising all the foreign blacksites extraordinary rendition and Abu Ghraib rectal feeding torture stuff, but to be honest I was never really very shocked by Jack Bauer antics on 24 (I think I stopped watching the series after there was some episode where the black guy president was assassinated by a POISON HANDSHAKE or something, I just found that completely ridiculous). I never really thought 24 was all that brutal or violent or shocking (eg even in the footage clip you linked, where Jack Bauer bites the throat out of his captor... it is sort of like that iconic Conan scene where he is crucified on the Tree Of Woe and he bites the head off the prowling vulture, so not really an unfamiliar level of violence)
I am not convinced 24 really marked an escalation in brutality, maybe just to a mainstream viewership, in fact I feel a lot of the 80s action / military films were probably more violent.
I remember preferring that 24 series black guy president actor when he was in that Spec Ops tv series The Unit, I thought his acting was more relatable in that show, as opposed to preparing the democratic psyche for Obama. To be fair Hollywood does portray NSA / CIA / DoD as pure evil on a fairly routine basis, eg the entire Bourne Ultimatum Matt Damon films, or Mark Wahlberg as the sniper in Shooter executing the corrupt senator at the end, etc if you have not gotten the message that the spies are evil and working in a zero oversight conspiracy against the citizenry etc. or say that Iraq war film Green Zone etc ending with the unsubtle film shot of THE OIL it is about THE OIL but I think nowadays on balance the environment is probably tilted against critique, there is more of the Kathryn Bigelow Hurt Locker Zero Dark Thirty glamour hype propaganda etc (and I say this having immensely enjoyed the look and style of her films) or even take something like Sicario, which is also glamourised military vigilante extraterritorial rendition torture violence