Quoted By:
It’s no use–you’re not certain of many things these days, but one thing’s clear as crystal in your noggin: no matter where you go or what excuse you make, this HUNK is gonna find a way to crash the party. Might as well rip the bandage off now, right?
Biting your lip hard enough to nearly break skin, you answer with a curt nod. Yes, you hiss, let’s go…
Grabbing the catatonic cat thing by the scruff of her neck, you drag your partner after the saintly Skog as the Bellcounters part like curtains to let your entourage through! God, you think as the Templar politely waits for you to catch up, you can’t even see him <span class="mu-i">walking</span> and you know how confident he looks!
“<span class="mu-s">Fortuitous indeed that we crossed paths, Inspectors,</span>” Jhairo remarks in a softer, but still booming voice, “<span class="mu-s">I would have words with you.</span>”
And what words would he have, hm, you inquire, dragging TT behind you like a toddler’s blanket as the Skog leads you up a winding ramp!
“<span class="mu-s">Pray, wait but a moment…</span>” He replies in what you guess is his version of a whisper, “<span class="mu-s">For though Mitaar’s grace shines not upon these cold stones, we are being observed…</span>”
You put your general malaise aside for a moment and blink. By <span class="mu-i">who</span>, exactly?
“<span class="mu-s">Who indeed…</span>” Murmurs the musclehead as he shoots a conspiratorial glance around the rampway! Your further efforts to open him up prove futile until you pass by a few clusters of Bellcounters–their unseen eyes burning holes in you as the pious patrolman guides you along!
It’s only after you traverse a long, carpeted hallway free of prying eyes and ears that Jhairo dares to open his HUNKY mouth again–his confident expression shifting into unease!
“<span class="mu-s">I shall speak swiftly and plainly, Inspectors: I fear the Bellcounters are pawns in this grim charade… and their shadowy master seeks to wield this tragedy for their own gain…</span>”
Tzah-Tzie wriggles behind you. “<span class="mu-i">M-me t-too…</span>”
The Templar’s face relaxes a bit. “<span class="mu-s">I’m relieved… Know that I would not dare to make such a bold claim without reasonable suspicion, Inspectors. Some words carry insurmountable weight, as I’m sure you know… but sharing the burden, well-</span>”
Yea, you interject, uh-huh! Let’s cut to the chase–what gave him ‘reasonable suspicion’?
The Skog opens his mouth to answer, but pauses as a look of concern falls upon his face! Wh-what is it?
A pause. “<span class="mu-s">I… do not sense the wards on the Chairman’s Quarters…</span>” Jhairo hisses as one of his hands reaches for that damned sword of his that makes your eyes sting! “<span class="mu-s">Tread lightly, Inspectors… I fear the shadows hide more than an empty office…</span>”
Seeing Jhairo wind up to do… <span class="mu-i">something</span>, you decide to:
>Let him bust the door down!
>Err, NO! YOU’LL open the door!
>Creep inside first!
>Quietly toss Tzah-Tzie inside! Maybe it'll clear her head!
>Say something! See if anyone/thing responds!