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Okay, now that I am (mostly) sober, here's my idea. Essentially, the quest will be Revacholian Independence 2 (Disco Boogaloo). First, a quick recap.
The Suzerainty of Revachol was once a colony of Sur-La-Clef (formerly the Kingdom of Suresne). I am unsure if the game states that Revachol's independence was gained through diplomacy or war, but let's just say it was a war, for familiarity's sake.
All was well and good, business was booming, and the Age was Golden. Until the Communtards fucked everything up. And the cocaine. But mostly the commie scum. There was a Civil War and yadayadayada, they fucking LOST, proving that no matter what reality you reside in, Communism will ALWAYS fail.
The (((Coalition of Nations))) (Read: UN) is the personal fuckpuppet of the Moralintern, a globalist organization that knows better than you do. They helped the Suzerainty free Revachol of the commie menace after the King's death. All well and good, right? Wrong. You are now a "Zone-of-Control." (Read: Property of four different nations.)
No, you don't get to govern yourselves. That's silly. Silly-billy. Also, your economy and trade are basically our plaything now, thanks :^)!
And to add insult to injury, the nation at the helm of this Coalition? Sur-La-Clef, the very country Revachol fought to gain Her independence from.
You are now damned to financial servitude to an occupying force of overseas nations. Your homeland is now rife with corruption, mobs, moneylenders, foreigners, and homo-sexuals.
Welcome to Revachol, disgraced former capital of the world.
The players' mission is to retvrn Revachol to Her former glory, to drive the foreign menace from his home, and to drag his State kicking and screaming from limbo, into greatness.
The enemy is the Coalition of Nations (Sur-la-Clef, Messina, Oranje, Graad) and the Moralist International at large. They have airships hanging up there in the skies, watching you at all times, making sure you're sticking to the program. They have automatic weapons. You have single-shot muzzleloaders. Your allies are the unwashed masses and hagard citizens of Revachol, blind with nostalgia for an age long since passed. Their allies are the combined military might of a four-nation' alliance and a gloablist organization spanning all across Elysium.
You play as Harrier Du Bois, the Can-Opener, Tequila Sunset, the Icebreaker himself. Mind you, this is *Prime* Harry. Ever play Disco Elysium with max stats from the beginning? Yeah, imagine that, but with his shit together and *not* a complete retrograde amnesiac.
The quest begins shortly after the events of the game, with the case solved and crises averted. Good luck Boiadeiro, you'll need it.