>>5786517>>5786634Good to know, a good harvest means wealth and food for everyone ! Let us toast to it !
>>5787001Wisely said, perhaps he could be considered as a very quick footman with a horn ?
>>5787232>>5787351You decided to keep the centaur with you, maybe he could be useful, and keeping him with the riders, even if was not allowed to finish the beast could be useful, after all he will be unable to be unhorsed ! Hah !
But despite all of this you decided to make this haughty druid, who probably sacrificed children like in the tales of the old romans that Brother Louis explained you one day, regret his words by ridiculing him and you told.
-You talk against hunting but you wear animal pelts ? I shall not hear anything from you !
The man on his branch seemed outraged, raising his finger in the sky and claiming.
-Earth mother forgive me, but I hunted only to feed myself and kept the pelts as a token of respect for the animals as prescribed by the scriptures of Algore the wise. What you are doing is animal cruelty !
His aides nodded to it and approved with cheers while you struggled to understand his logic.
-I am cruel because I make a boar... Run ?
-Yes ! And now begone from this forest !
Perhaps you misheard it. You were so astonished by his words that you failed to cut his tongue for his insolent tone. Was this guelph not only incredibly stupid but also mad as well ? How was making an herbivore run cruel ? They were running every time, when a deer saw a wolf he ran, when he wanted to move from a place to another he did it too. Why was the fact of making a boar running from dogs and hunters any different. It was nature, as intended by God when he gave men all the animals to reign over. You decided that you had enough and told.
-I have nothing to say to pagan priests who sacrifice children, release my man, disappear into the forest and I will let you live !
It was a generous offer, only because these knaves were protected by the queen you offered them a mercy that they didn't deserve instead of hanging them by their innards to the branches of their beloved forest. Hah, they would be able to talk about cruelty after that ! After your words the Guelph looked scandalised and proclaimed, descending from his branch by jumping gracefully from it right before you.
-Sacrificing children ? Me and my kin ! What is this superstition ! And this said by an animal abuser ! I shall report this to my superiors and to the queen !
His outrage could be used at your advantage. What shall you do ? While you were thinking you heard Ancel grumble.
-They talk, they talk and I am attached in a bush in the meantime....