>>5494095Ok, let us look at the inventory of the characters!
In my past games I used to dedicate a special paragraph section for each inventory item with a picture. What I might do now is just list the inventory and show it in game like this pic related.
The idea here is that the "style" of weapon you choose might explain some aspect of the character history and lifepath etc. It may also affect the "look" of some npcs or story elements going forward.
First of all, Yazdegerd the Wizard!
I upgraded his Hooded Lantern to be a bit more gothic and magical-looking hehe.
Also, from a purely strategic standpoint, the Skull Chalice treasure ability is that it can permit ANY character to cast magic, without fatigue or even rolling, provided it is fed blood, and the blood shed does not have to be your own (hint: melee characters doing damage). So you can keep the Chalice on the Wizard, or give it to another.
The Skull Chalice currently is a little ill-tempered, because you worked out the sword-scales puzzle without resorting to feeding it hehe. Overuse may lead to corruption effects akin to the tentacle corpse mouth spell hehe.
The Wizard can have an ordinary spiked or flanged mace, but maybe it would be cooler for the wizard to have something like this, a Blackthorn Shillelagh.
https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ci/original/25.935_CP4.jpghttps://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/155768(this is the middle item in my pic related)
which is just a sort of knotted hardwood thorned club. Because it is wood, you can combine it with the Blowpipe idea!
If you want some other type of mace (eg a more crude wooden club looking one) let me know and I will see what I can find.
Blowpipe pictures are hard to find (maybe the Wizard was a shaman?) but nonetheless here are two I made. Let me know which one looks better, or if you have other ideas.