>>5635045<span class="mu-i">past the guards, the wards, lie in wait, skulk, approach through the water, up the side of the building. Wait for a clear line of advance. The rain rolls in, storms rocking the boats, distant thunder. Perfect. Muffles sounds, kills evidence. Oh no, someone slipped and fell in the waters, how sad, this happens. Perfect.
Skulk, stalk, away, wrapped in warm winds that keep out the sleet and rain. And then - there - now - the target turns a corner, opens a door, goes out to soak in the spray of the rain and the dance of the waves. Slip out the door, slip in the knife or the arrow and slip away. Easiest day in this job in weeks.</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">Ah, you are late</span>
draw dagger aim at throat throw-- wait, she's not referring. . . to you?