>-6Dur, -6HP>Diggy Swarm now 12Dur, 60HPYou do so much damage one Diggy Bugg gets gibbed outright, and the two flanking it get their share of maimz n painz.
Wagon lumbers sideways, using it's biggy shells to SMOOSH the Diggies; Wagon manages to catch one against the wall, the other scuttling and sliding just fast enough to escape.
>-2Dur, -2HP>Diggy Swarm now 10Dur, 58HPThey're still moving, but almost wrecked: every one of the Diggies got cracked backs and legs bending the wrong way. They're all kindy puzzy, keeping out of your way, trying not to get hurt.
You dodge the first one coming at you easily. The other two coming in get you with no chance of defense.
>-2Dur, -0HP>Toady 13Dur, 6HPThe same happens to Wagon: the one it missed comes in to nibble at a legg.
>-0Dur, -0HP>Wagon 5Dur, 40HP>nerrh?>Ahh!>Yer Quality Kludge is too fikky! >N Wagon's shell, even fikkyyer!>The Diggies don't bite hard enough to get through! >ZIS FUGGAN CHANGES FINGZ DUNNIT<span class="mu-r">}Diggy Bugg Swarm x5{ </span>
10Dur, 58HP
Light Natural Armor soaks 2, rounded down
SWARM: up to 3 units can engage one target
NAMM: 3 Damage
<span class="mu-s">[R O L L]</span>
>6D100, for 3 turns SUICIDEYTutorial post for Swarm mechanics. You might encounter creatures with this trait deeper in.>>6120685>>6120733>>6120785>>6120577>>6120445>>6120019