>>6106283Good to see you QM. Glad to be back.
The Claws of Shaarnor:
3 Warbeasts of the North
2 Bondsmen
1 Chaos Warrior
52 loot left unspent, however 5 was sent to Krantagarh, leaving me at 47. I had retired to the lands of the Hung, so that is where I can only recruit from.
Also, there's still 2 CW and 2 Hung Savages that need to be split up between me, Mulrog, and Sarrick.
Furthermore, considering this might be the last raid/battle, I will have a letter sent to that Druchii and let him know that I won't be able to deliver slaves this year. If I survive, then we can resume our deal later.
Speaking of which, we all need to decide on what we are actually doing.
It seems agreed that we are taking Ostrosk no matter what. All that remains is to decide on whether we trust The Feathered one enough to return her sister to her for a mere 60 wealth, or if we keep the sister at Ivanoslav until the gods deem her not a threat.