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They talked for longer and longer stretches of time, occasionally changing from rooms that held the flightcraft to chambers that held their advanced silicon processing facilities. talOS had to admit the weird item, which was just how small everything was.
Before he was the Fabricator General and was uniting the Reconquista, TalOS had witnessed a great many Forge Worlds. Out of all of the Forge Worlds he paid witness to, all of them had a standard correlation with age and size of facilities. The Galvinites, who were here for quite a time, remained small at what might be an inverse to their age.
It was also an experience as TalOS noticed he was forced to duck and avoid vents much more often here than any other Forge World. Add to it that none of the Magi here used augmentations to raise themselves above ten feet tall was another item.
So TalOS presented these observations to the Fabricator General.
+My apologies for that.+ He answered while presenting his fellow the emotions of remorse, +As you noticed, we are not use to such large beings walking our halls.+
+Why do you all keep yourselves so small? The size of a Forge World is necessary to defend against Orkish incursions and pirates.+ TalOS pointed out as they came to a stop.
+We have been lucky, I will admit.+ The Fabricator General gave that bolt of honesty toward’s TalOS’s words, +But I believe we have been so blessed because of our size. By keeping to ourselves we are not noticed and thus do not attract outsiders.+
TalOS took that information for a moment’s thought, processing several lines of future conversation the two would have to produce the words, +On most Forge Worlds industry is also a sign of veneration for the Machine God. Do you not agree with this statement?+
Those words were enough to get the attention of his fellow, +My Lord, do you accuse us of being heretics?+
+On Lucius we venerate through Artistry, on Mezoa it is the fire, and Mars through raw output.+ TalOS told his fellow with a small gleam in his metal mask, +If there was one true way of worshiping the Machine God we would not have so many different ideas on how to do so. I find that the Motive Force flows through all things, and thus the Machine God’s influence is carried along it. I wish to know how your Cult sees the universe and the flow of motion. How you venerate the Machine God and attempt to close upon his divinity.+