At the most crucial moment, a sudden holo-popup suddenly appears and fills the hacker abode with bright seizure-inducing strobe images. It appears to feature horrifying animations of beings with pointy tiny dented noses triangular faces and enormous eyes.
>>5825905They must be aliens. The holo-scene appears to depict a disturbing event in a bio-laboratory of some description, where a murderous abomination has escaped and has commenced slaughtering and mutilating everyone.
-I am so close, I ...
Magenta looks askance briefly at this superimposed holographic murder-distraction; suddenly, her whole body begins trembling, shaking; foam froths from her lips and the wires and interface cables clamped to her head shudder and hiss with flashing sparks. She collapses limp onto the ground.
Glitch Boy is horrified. He actually stops speaking, the abrupt cessation of his mum prattle shocks you with an interval of silence.
Then Glitch Boy yells accusingly:
-You kill Big Sister! You fix her! Fix her now! Give Big Sister Sugar now!
>You already got the most out of the paydata - the ISD and the hideout planet. You can leave now, cyberninja parkour time>The most important thing is to secure a copy of this laboratory footage. Who leaked it...?>Confess that you do not have any Cocoon Sugar>Stab Glitch Boy through the head with a CYBERNINJA sword>Can you buy Cocoon Sugar here? From the decrypted star colonisation plan paydata, you now feel quite affluent...But they do not accept Isono, ISD the Isonomy space money... how will you trade for it?>Something else...?QM: please also decide if you want
>500 ISD, OR
>instant completion of armed merchant cruisers + 200 ISD leftThank you!