>>5893512>>5893271>>5893269>Trust that your mentor can handle the threat on his own, and complete your task.An Explorator of his measure, you trust in the power of your mentor to hold his own as sure as you trust in his wisdom to set you to this task. For each their capabilities, to each their duty. Thus is the the will of the Omnissiah.
<span class="mu-b">"Where is... rust it all, I know it's here somewhere!"</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Under the bunk and beneath the floor, remember? Hidden.</span></span>
That's right, you never <span class="mu-i">needed</span> the small box of personal belongings before but you've always carried it with you. Much more important to keep track of the equipment you make use of each and every day, in righteous service to the Machine God. Such equipment so easily found however, there isn't much else to collect from your personal quarters besides those few things you cling to for sentimental reasons.
Not like your mentor, true to the responsibility and reputation of a Magos. Nothing at all sentimental that you can tell... not that you'd dare to intrude as such, but only the most practical resources and research material. A fear of yours had been that in your subordinate ignorance you would have missed anything important to bring, but a baseless fear in finding that all was ordered and nearly stored in his own quarters for just such an occasion as this you suppose.
<span class="mu-b">"On Meri, see if Master Voss... no no, he <span class="mu-i">is</span> waiting."</span>
Collection and disposal protocol followed, you make sure nothing is left for any enemy. Though you have a difficult time of it, you haul the collective belongings from the personal quarters along the cramped corridor and back to the converted workshop and Omnissian shrine; one and the same really. Sending ahead your servo-skull from sentry to scout duty, the lull in the calamitous noise from before comes as a relief. Now it's only <span class="mu-i">just</span> the more distant sounds of battle on the vessel still taking place.