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The girls were not sure about what they should do as the tavern owner barred them from entering the building after they carelessly left it during the day. At Jet’s suggestion they started up a little campfire right in the middle of the street and they began cooking potluck right then and there. If anyone had peeped on them from the barricaded windows, they did not notice. The girls were admittedly slightly fearful of what might happen but as the day came and went their worries melted away and their faith in their dynastic brother was reinforced.
When the hour of midnight passed people slowly started creeping out of their homes, driven by curiosity and confusion, they found the three of them having their little picnic with not a care in the world. These people were so befuddled they could do nothing but stare in disbelief at the display. Only when Eruka, the girl whom Jet met, did they get any answers.
“What? Where are the goblins? Is this your doing, Master Saffron?”
Jet smiled and handed her a bowl and invited her to partake of the soup.
“I guess we’re not so bad omens after all!”
He said with a smirk.
Some people took the dynasts up on their offer. Most others simply returned to their homes and got a nice rest for the first time in a long while. The next day however things visibly changed around Summer Valley. Practically every place was abuzz with rumors about the newcomers, the few words Eruka managed to get out of them got out of control like wildfire and the people started making up wilder and wilder stories of what happened, most involved the girls using their peerless martial skills to beat the fiends back.
>Torment gained: 1
This bothered Jet a bit. Afterall it was his glory they were adorning them with. But ultimately it fit his designs perfectly. If they believed it was the girls who did it, that only diverts attention away from him. But some people spoke about the mysterious Master Saffron that Eruka talked to and it was probably because of these rumors that Jet was invited to the local blacksmith for a talk. The man of the forge was a robust beast, the likes of which Jet has only seen in the shape of blood apes. He had the arm of bears and a chest like a tree trunk.
“Thank you for coming.”
He said.
“I’m Bear. Silent Bear.”
“Of course he is…”
Jet ignored Markolab and shook the man's hand as he reached out, getting a proper finger cruncher, as expected.
“Master Saffron. A pleasure. So I take it you’re the leader here?”
“We have no leader. No kings either. People simply respect me and listen to what I have to say. And I like to listen to what they say. Word is, you three are the reason why the Fair Folk did not show up yesterday. Is that true?”
“Who knows?”
“I see you like being coy. But I prefer being blunt. I appreciate what you did. But I struggle to fathom what three Exalts want with us.”