>>5826843Madison Mirage
Interstellar Investor Magazine
- So pleased to meet you, Dr Elizabeth Marlowe!
>>5818492May I call you Liz? Lizzy? Marl? Marley? I am so happy you agreed to our profile of 40 Under 40 Promising Women Profile Interview! (Madison's virtual telepresence infomorph gatecrashes into your corporate conference) It is so inspiring to see a woman at the head of a scientific institution! And so young too! I want to hear all about you! What inspired you to move into the field of ... (Miss Mirage frowns a little, as her eyes flick through an invisible and out-of-frame holo feed) ...the field of... xenoarchaeology? What has inspired you to ascend to the heights of this field, becoming such a titan of research expertise? Do you have any inspirational words for young women? How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance? How does xenoarchaeology contribute to what many investors are now calling, The Passion Economy? And at IIM (Interstellar Investor Magazine) the word on the street is that AXRI (Arcturus Xenoarchaeology Research Institute) has been experiencing a funding shortfall. Is this true? Will you be pivoting to a new research strategy? What are the milestones for your current research strategy? What sort of return on investment should investors expect in the field of xenoarchaeology? Do you offer a tour of your laboratory? May I see?
>Well, Miss Mirage, I would just love to answer all these questions in detail, but I am actually 41. So I am not eligible. Goodbye! (Kick Madison Mirage from the conference call)>I am actually 441. This is what Haemolymph does with space travel in the future. >It is just a holographic infomorph telepresence, but you should fire your orbital cannon at it>Baron Sleng, I have a mission for you: find and kill that woman.>With a flourish, declare: today we at AXRI unveil the future! Behold, the future of interstellar defense! (unveil naked shackled pink hair girl)>Show the Interstellar Investor Magazine journalist interviewer Madison Mirage your Combat Prototype Specimen, Test Subject 126>Reveal the experimental research murder footage to Madison Mirage>Spend 8 hours patiently responding to Madison Mirage's incessant barrage of questions, whilst making excuses and obfuscating the truth of your experimental results and funding situation. The inquisitive and intrusive journalist Miss Mirage will leave your tour suspicious but with enough material to keep her relarively satisfied. This experience is so exhausting, you lose -10 Haemolymph afterwards, as you self administer a dose to prevent yourself from losing the will to live