>>6090748>Eligius and his intelligence. What has he learned?We gotta handle this orc. Didn't we have Wilkish on the case? The sooner we learn what is his deal, the more finely we can hone our future plans. Knowing where your enemies are not, can be just as important as knowing where they are.
On a side note, I'd like to see if we can do more to facilitate further control over the Stonemaons, it has become kind of ridiculous now, at this point if they were to stage a revolt, their people would outnumber the alteracis. Isn't Dawnholme now a Stonemason majority? Their secret meetings and the cultural schism can present a major threat, especially if the Syndicate will attempt to stoke the fires. Oh and the prisoner rehabilitation, we need to institute a working plan in regards to gradually releasing those that we had imprisoned as a result of our counter-Syndicate operations and their reintegration into society. Pai and Otto had both raised valid concerns in the past - people need something to work towards and few things are as sweet as the promise of freedom and if we can show the people that it is better to deal with us than with our brother or Falconcrest, we could erode their power passively with great effectiveness, perhaps to the point that it could cause them to make a fatal error.