>>5770955Less than twenty minutes later, everyone is in position around the Mayor's estate.
On your way over, cannon fire continued to fill the air, and the sounds of panic started to die down. You hope it's thanks to the townsfolk and tourists escaping, but you have to accept the real possibility that many of them were struck down where they stood. Pirates can often be a ruthless bunch.
You wait out in the open, smack dab in the middle of the Mayor's front lawn, looking off into the streets for any sign of the party. You pray your plan works...
Just then, you hear a pistol cocking.
"Lookie 'ere!" A filthy man in soaked clothing shouts, aiming a pistol right at your head
Your adrenaline spikes. This is it. You hadn't seen them come around the corner, but there are three of them, making a B-line for the mayor's home, just as you and Sigur predicted.
"Everything you've got, on the ground. Now!" Another man shouts, aiming his cutlass out at you. The third man, wielding a long rifle, has it aimed at between your eyes.
You keep a hand hovered over your pistol, ready for things to go sideways. Sweat drips from your palms down to your finger tips.
"I have a better idea."
With the three men grouped perfectly at the edge of the mayor's line, directly in front of the area you know Sigur plans to land, it's time to give the signal.
What was the signal again?
>Peaceful: Fire a stray shot into the air, alerting Lydia and the cooks [Maximizes potential for prisoners]>Aggressive: Fire a shot directly at the rifleman [Minimizes potential for prisoners]