>>5321981A recap….
Our first target was Pike, a scammer that sold lackluster healing food and potions to people at a marked up price. This resulted in the death of a friend of Jess, a loyal customer of yours. He decided to invest in Pine’s other business…
Pine switched his actual high quality potions with his own mediocre ones before kicking him down the stairs and stabbing him in the thigh. She finishes him off by repeatedly slamming a door against his head and tearing his throat out with her misericorde daggers. (stiff blade dagger designed for thrusting)
One curious thing he had was a viscous, transparent potion. With the help of Lightbearer Jess and Noi the Mage, she discovers that this is a especially strong sleeping aid and memory loss inducing liquid, perfect for kidnapping and rape.
With Noi’s guidance, Pine arrives at Silverport, city of serpent scholars, a coty with one of the most prestigious potion making academy in the country.
This is the only city close enough to Cinderpath capable of manufacturing such a high quality concoction.
She heard rumors of “Zeal”, a goblin who was a skilled potion maker in training of the academy, and allegedly mutilated men’s genitals and made women disappear for several days, then returning without any memory of what happened.
Pine, with the funding of the three students that she overheard, hunted Zeal to prevent anyone else from being hurt.
While investigating the building he could be in, she overheard his reasons for doing these actions. He, and his associate, "Cris," manufactures a concoction that acts as a sleeping aid, abortifacient and a memory loss inducer.
With their lightbending cloaks, allowing them to briefly turn invisible, they became vigilantes, exacting vengeance on men that got women unintentionally pregnant and administering their concoction on women, whether they wish it or not.
Their latest target is Zeal’s childhood friend, "Fha", who is opposed to abortion despite Zeal’s insistence.
[Picture of Zeal]