>>5433859So I am ashamed to say, I have not read a lot of Tolstoy. I read his essay criticising Shakespeare (George Orwell wrote a rebuttal to it years later, it is funny lol). I read about one chapter of War And Peace (the long one about Napoleon, for some historical rpg setting research) once.
I read more Dostoyevsky and Bakunin. In my mind though, Anna Karenina is forever inextricably linked with the film DREDD lol.
Because in the UK, what happened was these two films - Keira Knightley Anna Karenina (the weird adaptation, where it intercut with some scenes shot as if upon a theatre stage, as well as 19th century Russia) and Alex Garland DREDD vertical tower MEGACITY ONE GODLIKE OPENING MOTORCYCLE SOUNDTRACK PAUL LEONARD MORGAN released in the same week, Sept 2012. I watched them back to back lol (I was basically the only one in the cinema) and in my mind they became the same film. Keira Knightley Anna Karenina became that Game Of Thrones Cersei Maw-Maw Dredd scarred gang woman and Karl Urban became Eomer Dredd from Rohan Cursed Earth.
I controversially also have to say, I enjoyed the Stallone Dredd film. Yes he removes his helmet but I actually prefer slightly the look of that Stallone film, it has some comedy and actually retains a lot more of that Necromunda 2000AD retro look much better than the Alex Garland South African favela ultraserious style one lol. In particular the design of Mean Machine Angel (he has a dial on his head, you turn it for MORE VIOLENCE) and the cannibal cult irradiated mutant incest? scavenger family who are evangelical Christians? is unbelievably cool, somehow that sort of aesthetic no longer features as much in sci-fi, unlike the Necromunda 90s era, we now just get bland corporate Christopher Nolan (everyone is an investment banker, Batman is an investment banker) and Dennis Villeneuve bland corporate sci-fi look instead.