>>5345757>>5345773>>5345817>>5345826>>5345902>>5345907>>5346137>>5346275>>5346317>>5346380>>5346406You opt to deliver the good news yourself: your very generous offer of a dwarven slave-mine to the Drow, with only a first-right-of-refusal and a fvaourable trade deal attached. It cost lives, it’s true—Reptilian, Drow, Bogbarri—but it was worth it. Further, after your vision, you know you have something else to bring to the dark elves; the good news of a fife beyond death in a realm of eternal glory, for all the noble dead!
You’re also well-ware that this might be a difficult sell to atheists without tangible proof, especially while attempting to recruit more of them to potentially-lethal missions, which is why you decide a personal touch might be best. It’s also why you opt to bring dwarven slaves, and samples of the various mined materials, back with you as evidence and tribute.