Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Technology.
>The civilisation gets +0.1 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +10 Education.
>The civilisation gets +5 Equality.
>The civilisation gets -10 Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets -5 Productivity.
The Toprocravic script of <span class="mu-s">Toproslan</span> is adopted by the Protavic people. Amongst the sealskins, it is typically written vertically down the length of a long bone, which is strung together with others for more complicated texts. Our tribe uses a different medium for writing – birch bark scrolls for less important works, while the more valuable texts are immortalised as clay tablets. Within a few years, usage of this written language has spread throughout the entire clan.
Yet while the adoption of Toproslan is underway, the finest minds of the Protavic people are hard at work, devoting their lives to the understanding of language as an idea. What does it mean to write, what should be written, what is the best way of writing something? These are the questions that the cleverest people of our tribe ask themselves and after almost a decade, they provide an answer – <span class="mu-s">Protadrol</span>, a constructed language made to outshine Toproslan.
By design, it is more elegant and efficient – each word is condensed into a beautiful and singular logogram, rather than a string of crude runes that are supposed to represent syllables. There are some unavoidable similarities between the two scripts – Protadrol shares the vertical orientation of Toproslan, for example – but our tribe's scholars tried their hardest to create a language that was distinct from the one produced by the sealskins. In the end, perhaps it was too distinct.
The drobrac and vibruc are the first ones to be taught this new language, which they are instructed to share with the rest of the tribe. Unfortunately, a great deal of the Protavic people are slow to learn Protadrol – some even refuse to learn it outright. Most of them already know Toproslan after all, which is a perfectly serviceable script for day-to-day usage. In fact, it might even be easier to learn, thanks to how each character is tied to a syllable. The logograms of Protadrol also contain phonetic elements, but they are simply too compact and complex when compared to Toproslan runes.
This leads to a peculiar divide in Protavic society. Toproslan remains the most popular script by far, commonly used for practical purposes such as taking inventories or writing messages. It is also the language that will spread to the other tribes of the Croglatol and Choslitol, that will serve as the foundation for their own written works. The less popular Protadrol is used almost exclusively by the higher echelons of the Protavic tribe, for ceremonial and scholarly purposes. Knowledge of this language becomes one of the many methods used to test a tribesman's intellect – those who are incapable of writing in Protadrol clearly have inferior minds and are unworthy of true respect.