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<span class="mu-s">Wealth</span>
We have 15 Wealth to spend. We’ll start out with Estate holdings. These represent the main industry of your lands, if any. Each domain can have 1 estate holding, so you may only purchase 1 at this time. I’m narrowing the options down to those that are available for your domain and that fit the theme established so far. The Fur Trade and Dog Kennels have further upgrades that can be purchased in later votes. Peat Gathers and Maple Grove lack further upgrades, but their price leaves you more room for Lifestyle or Personage purchases later. You also have the option to save your wealth for other holdings and skip the Estate holding.
>Fur Trade for 10 Wealth. +2 to House Fortune rolls.
>Dog Kennels for 10 Wealth. +1 to House Fortune rolls.
>Peat Gatherers for 5 Wealth. +1 to House Fortune rolls. Reduce cost of Artisan Craftsmen by 2 Wealth.
>Maple Grove for 5 Wealth. Resource Gain Bonus of +2 Wealth on successful House Fortune rolls.
>Do not spend Wealth. Save it for other holdings.
<span class="mu-s">Secondary Vote</span>
The rulebook allows for modifications to your house’s standard of living. Variations in standard of living have narrative and mechanical implications. The default standard of living costs nothing and confers no bonuses or maluses. A Poor standard of living actually gives you an extra 5 Wealth to spend on other things. This would lean more into a theme of a backwater house or one going through particularly rough times. We could also go in the other direction and choose a Comfortable standard of living for 5 Wealth. This could represent the current family living a little beyond their means to the neglect of the rest of their lands/subjects. If this is a popular option and there is left over Wealth after the estate vote, then we can consider taking it to an extreme like Rich or Lavish.
>Poor standard of living. Gain 5 Wealth.
>Stick with the default standard of living. No costs or gains.
>Comfortable standard of living. Costs 5 Wealth.
<span class="mu-s">House Background Vote</span>
>Your house is considered to be of the Blood of the First Men
>Your house is considered to be of the Blood of the Andals