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Perhaps then your best bet is to ask the man for a driver - who will also serve as an escort. Doing so is going to seriously complicate things; for a start, you are either going to have to accept that the driver - and by extension, Nasturtium and possibly Sulphreme - will know where you boarded stage, team and tack ... or you will have to find some way to either trick or otherwise separate yourself from him. If you do take the driver with you to ... wherever you end up deciding to board, then whatever lies you tell at <span class="mu-i">that</span> house will have to more or less square with the one you have told at <span class="mu-i">this</span> house, at least, so long as you are in earshot of the driver. There is also the question of what the driver might say to the grooms at the other establishment. Could you just count on bulling over him if he tried to talk? You suppose you have to, at this point. Far from enthused about the prospect, you slow as you approach the door out of the lobby, held open by Nasturtium.
"Actually ... I was hoping - what with your coaches off of the road - you might have a driver around here somewhere for me to hire out? I'm more than willing to pay you for the privilege and him for the doing. I'm ... just worried about father waking up in the middle of the night ... needing me, and I'm not there for him."
"Need - oh, Mercy, I had forgotten, your father is ill, isn't he? I - I am so sorry, I didn't realize I was keeping you from him. We'll get this busywork with the papers done straight-away, then I'll drive you to your father myself."
Fraying Hell, that's all that you need, how -
"Where are you staying, anyway?"
Dog-shit for brains! How are you unprepared for this? Regardless if you accept him driving you or not, refusing to answer this question would be dangerously undermining.