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With those words spoken numerous discussions began to crop up around the theater of politics. For the most part it was an understandable situation for both sides.
The Mechanicus wishes to diminish whatever kinds of heresy there might be. Men who are not of the cloth experimenting with things they barely have an understanding of is something the Mechanicum cannot allow. After all, things like the knowledge of creating AI is well known to the Priests of the Machine God. They simply have enough self control to not use it lest damnation crosses through the realm.
As for those of the Hives, they have numerous political games within their worlds. The threat of gangsters, cartels, and coups are at the forefront of their mind. Each of their worlds, after being touched by Lucius, have gained an uneasy peace thanks to the Mechanicum’s demands. If another player as strong as the Cult were to have a major stake in their lands then this balance will be ruined.
And no one wishes to have war in the streets.
Each person had their opinion on the situation, only the Knights of Dutonis not worrying about it as they did not really care about these politics. They were a faction built either on an economic or war footing, they could care less for civics.
As TalOS’s attention was brought from them he got a ping, +Arch Magos K0LT, you wish to speak on the issue? If so, you may.+
+Thank you.+ Answered the Magos while standing, “My fellow Federation Members, it is my understanding that these issues are at a core an economic one. With the costs of Rejuvenation treatments so high, it forces many to take such sinful methods. I propose to the floor that we artificially lower the costs of Rejuvenation treatment. That can be done, right R3KT?”
Those words were enough to get a rumbling through the crowd of people. To a Primarch, though, TalOS admitted that such grand actions were needed. They needed to eliminate the core economic issue, only by doing so will these upstarts find themselves in a business with no customers.
“It can be, with some cost.” The Head Genetor spoke as he was called upon, “I will begin the organization and present a bill to the Assembly. TalOS, when you can bring some assistance I will appreciate it.”
“I can do so, if it is chosen.” Answered the Fabricator General. There were going to be some costs, mainly political ones, and soon it will be seen if they are acceptable.