>>5710362>>5710410>>5710416These scotsmen seem to all be very short, maybe in India the tall ones died and short scotsmen reproduced with other short ones and it made them shorter than today. Inbreeding of bad specimen, for lack of a better choice, could be as detrimental to fierce scotsmen as to hunting dogs. It seems to be the case with the jews in these lands too... And for the cagots, well, they always were small.
And wise words about carrots and sticks. You truly are a wise man.
>>5710418>>5710434>>5710754>>5710931After you told that "I do not want the dwarves to complain do you understand, if they have this right they can complain low enough for me to not hear them." you had to menace him a bit. You decided to add, after your speech.
-It would be a shame if it was forbidden for sale after it had been used to try to poison me.
You smiled smugly while the scotsman's eyes became big like table trenchers. He tried to speak, then almost stopped himself, then punched the table and rose on his funny height of five feet and told.µ
-How ? How dare you youngling ! Our privileges were garanteed by Lord Random ! And you come here and... And suppress them ! You think I, that have fought orcs and trolls will fear some beardless humans because they are on a horse ! I will... I will..
Since Godefroi and Bohémond were already putting their hands on their swords hilts and were ready to cut him down, and his men, if more numerous, were only lightly armored he decided to be calmer. It was always the problem when you suppressed some privileges, peasants always complained, especially were they were unjust, clearly charts accorded to burghers or these "rights to complain" were destructive to the realm, contrary to good privileges, like those of every landed nobleman to mint his own coins, judge his own people and start a private war with his neighbors. But having correctly assessed the situation you told.
-You will what ? And what privileges ? Are you my vassal ? I do not remember when you swore fealty to me and I confirmed your right to the land. Did you saw this men ?
You told your knights, and Father François, who despaired to receive his church furnitures now and looked lost. He was still a village priest with no understandings of politics. The scotsman pointed towards you with fat index finger and told.
-You... I was allowed to settle here fifty years ago by Lord Random ! And dwarves are never vassals, our enclaves can govern themselves and... And your shameless humgi lies are outrageous ! We never poisoned your beer ! It was your servants that did it. You tell me to talk to the queen ? I will show you ! I will talk to the baron ! Hah ! We know how much he likes you ! Let us see what you will do when he will confirm our privileges ! And you will pay reparations I tell you !