>>5562945“It is fortuitous that we had three sources of material,” the Novice notes. “AND that one was a half-elf. His hybrid human genetics and natural affinity for illusory magics made this process possible, in spite of your bizarre bloodline and overgrown stature.”
“You know you like it,” you quip.
The Novice hisses, and you don the new Amulet, becoming…
>A towering barbarian hero from the near East, near the orc-haunted steppe—foreign to Hawksong to excuse any lapses or eccentricities, but not a Southerner so as to attract TOO much suspicion [‘expends’ the captured male human, Jakob]>A slender and handsome ‘ambassador’ from a Southerly realm, with an aristrocrat’s great stature and dignity—better to request an audience, and to frame the South for the crimes which you wish them to be found guilty of [‘expends’ the captured female human, Elaine]>A tall and dark elven merchant from Bloodrise, to best represent your kingdom even as you obfuscate your true nature behind the guise of a not-quite-Drow… And anyway, human bitches LOVE elves [‘expends’ the half-elf adventurer]>Something else [keep it reasonable, but expect one of the three subjects to be ‘expended’][‘Expended’ means ‘killed’, btw. Expending Jakob makes you more ruggedly masculine, but less handsome. Expending Elaine makes you more slender and attractive. Expending the half-elf adventurer lends you some degree of elven beauty, but makes you look less human.]