>>6020013It's been five days (really almost six) and we have many a registered IP and tripcode! If you missed the window, I'm sorry for your luck, but we had to start EVENTUALLY, and you even had a bit of extra time. I would like to encourage anyone just joining us now to contribute art, discussion (including <span class="mu-r">FRIENDLY</span>) debate, and any other contributions of the contestants that they can. It's the best way to drum up support for the man, boy, lizard, or robot you think deserves the crown of /qst/!
For everyone else, the next twenty-four hours are about voting for these two match-ups:
In the first, BETA from CORE OF STEEL will test his metal against a fellow rebel-at-heart from a far more literal (and arguable less existential) prison: JAMES CALACA of GAOL QUEST! But what contest of skill could possibly pit a mundane man and a massive mecha against one another? Well, its…
<span class="mu-i">EVENT THREE: TIC TAC TOE</span>
Meanwhile, our other event for the evening is a match-up between two handsome men in uniform, neither wholly human but both utterly wholesome! It’s KIRO SKYESKAL (<span class="mu-s">not</span> Skyesakal) of the TPNV Coober Pedy against MARK DELUCIA of the GCPD’s latest anti-gang operation task force! For their part, they’ll be battling it out in…
<span class="mu-i">EVENT THIRTY-FIVE: POP-CULTURE TRIVIA</span>
(for fairness, we’ll limit it to pop culture that is shared between their universes and exists in Officer DeLucia’s era)
So who will it be?
>Beta (Core of Steel)or
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)And will it be…
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)or
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)