>>6111308>>6109058Manifest the new high krawl, in order to finally achieve greater intimidation tactics and etc. within the attack forces. Preparing the push on the mollusks.
>1: Assemble NovenaryNovenary, the combatant with nine limbs, was manifested from a writhing mass of worms, living matter in his perfectly shaped krawlmetal mold. In all truth, he’s likely the first high krawl to manifest entirely from living matter.
He emerges with a crocodile smile permanently plastered on his face, due to the shape of his head and mouth. The man-looking creature's entire form is twisted from the top of his head down to his uppermost left arm, which is a deadly, piercing, venomous spike that extends out in front of him, and back past his elbow. Outside that, he has five arms with hands, two legs, and a huge, spiny tail with a hand at the end, on which he sits, floating. All of his limbs extend to a seemingly infinite degree, just like Maja’s hair.
Finally, emerging from the gap in his head’s flesh and the exposed spot where a skull would be, is a rift in space-time, which doubles as a wide-brimmed sun shield. With this space-time manipulation, Novenary can access local wormholes with most of his limbs and his whole body, except for the end of his tail, which won’t fit through.
He steps off his giant hand tail and kneels before Maja, as his creator, and the leader of the nation. She stands him up by the armpits quick, then commands him to meet with the sharks, as he is the new ambassador, and fellow hivemind leader of the krawl!
“Mistress Maja, powerful and meticulous, I thank you for bringing me to life. However, I don’t know what message you want me to send.”
She thinks, then tells him.
“Try to take a weapon you want, see what happens, and do your very best to keep it. Be friendly, but also toothy. If the encounter becomes ugly, you have lots of backup at the border.”
>2 Reinforce troops at the newly established shark borderAny and all krawl at the shark border need to cell-multiply and prepare to cover Novenary, should he need help. If not, Novenary will lead the newly re-re-bolstered troops over to the unclaimed hexes We want in the desert.