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Prestie, or "Preston" Uffo Bunts, was one of many enterprising Rheas sent to study in Big City Magitechnic institutions on community funds.
For an eyewateriing fee and under two years of practicum, a commoner without talent for magic would be able to learn Cantrips, that is, spells that took no special effort.
Advanced courses, for a positively extortionate fee, granted a small spread of low level spells, up to Level 2.
The spells offered were mostly non-offensive, available to Wizards by default; Orizons, the Cleric equivalent of Cantrips, and many Cantrips unique to a Calling Character Class, were privately taught by more insular bodies or masters, never to the general public.
In themselves the Cantrips had limited use for the average person. But two or three in judicious conjunction or sequence made a cottage industry.
In Prestie's Laundry and Seamsters' case, Prestigitation took care of most stains and stenches, and Mending made good the worn and torn. Preston took care of the hard cases personally.
His children, with carefully moderated Acid Splash, Shape Water, Light and Gust, took care of the normal bulk washes. Within ten years they had paid up everything owed to Ambrosend Magitechnical College and, Family teaching Family, the Uffos would have a ready living, so long as the [Bunter Book] remained.
There were many such cases:
>Edlong & Herdling Constructors, in-laws using Mage Hand, Mould Earth, Earth Tremor, OnOff, and Unseen Servant
>Majeste Messengers, Crier Couriers, using Encode Thought, Thaumaturgy, and Infallible Relay and Detect Thought and Expeditious Retreat; trade secrets
>Poll's Ponies, tamers and trainers, using Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp, Spare the Dying, and Speak to Animals
It was only possible for Mundanes with a large extended family of at least two generations pooling resources without infighting.
Such practical education suited the Rheas uniquely, promising access and prosperity for any Rhea cleverbritches smart enough not to waste their chances.
Provided first an enduring peace, of course.