Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">-Meet with the emissary of the Order of the End.</span>
<span class="mu-g">-Leave with Erika.</span>
<span class="mu-s">T</span>he Toys will wake up, the Tower will be out of her reich- reach, but Erika thinks that this could change everything. A turning point is near.
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: <span class="mu-i">Then we have a deal, be late and you will pay for your own drinks, I do not believe I need to say what will happen if you go back on your word.</span>
She gives a practical example by crushing the Toy under her fingers, deforming whatever the phone was relaying back until it snapped under her grasp. Erika walks away, slamming the wooden carcass into the ground and shaking off the splinters.
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: <span class="mu-i">(Jimena, 27 inches, 4k Full HD Asus Xg27aq-w White 170hz gaming monitor.)</span>
Then she continues to walk away... but has to stop, because there was no answer.
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: <span class="mu-i">(Jimena.)</span>
There's no answer. Jimena is seeing everything like it was made of sand, and a bit further away.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">(I see everything like its made of sand.)</span>
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: <span class="mu-i">(I don't care. Move.)</span>
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">(What was that again?)
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: (27 inches, 4k Full-)
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: (Ah, yes. Roger.)
That doesn't stop Jimena from feeling like everything is twice as big. But she does move.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: Ladies, been' a pleasure, but the missus needs me."
Jimena staggers as she finally sticks the blunt inside Petra's mouth.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: Don't wait for me, lock the doors, if anyone knocks don't answer. Hope we don't die!
◄ <span class="mu-s">Pomu</span>: Girl, you high as fuck. Help me get her in.
Elira Pendora slides both of her arms from under Jimena's, locks her in place, and drags her to the Tower, but the short brunette simply turns into gum and slides from under her grasp. Then the rest of the girls of the West try to restrain her through sheer brute force and grappling techniques, but Jimena is like a liquid that simply slides from beneath their limbs. That's when they all tackle her down and jump on top on her like in American soccer, but Jimena is somewhere else before they notice.
Petra Gurin, the kindest of them all, tries a different approach.
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: But… isn’t it dangerous out there?
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: Yeah but we have to go.
◄ <span class="mu-s">Salome</span>: (Why are you leaving?)
The one to get the telepathic message is, again, Erika. When the tall blonde looks at the fake ojousama her resolve falters; serious Salome is a different beast.</span>