Quoted By:
>White management on humans :
"I know you want to trrry and tame and raizze the chickssss into mountsss. Thissss endeavourrr successsss iz at besssst... verrrrry unlikely...
If you RRRRREALLY want to trrrrry, meatsssss and empathy are they way to go. Firssssst, befrrriend the motherrr, to avoid getting mauled and eaten.
Then you can trrrrry befriending the chickssss. But don't die beforrre the rrrats attack. I need you forrrr that."
>10 : 1 success
Some of them listen to you, especially Hector; Most don't. You spend a good part of the afternoon watching them.
>Blue's crafting of a door :
At one point, blue ask for help for crafting the door.
>15 : success.
Using her claws, she fell some trees she tied together. She needs help putting it in place, and tying it to the broken drawbridge's chains.
Two of you on this task is not wasted dragonpower. While you're in the middle of tying the second chain, Hector walks toward you, holding one of the Griffon's pup.
Turns out some of the humans didn't listened at all. A daring one even waited until both the adult griffin and you were distracted to climb in the den, get one of the little chimeras, and started "teaching him to fear humans, as it should".
Hector noticed and confronted the lowborn. Using his natural authority, he reminded the peasant griffons are nobility's highest born privilege.
>19 : overwhelming success
He get the chick without any problem; on the way to report the issue to you, he tried to comfort the distressed kitten, by being gentle and handing him meat.
>20 : critical success
The mighty beast-to-become seems to appreciate the human, purring under petting and giving little pecks to ask for more meat.
Hector primary purpose was to let you know what's happening in your hold. But he also seek guidance.
"What should we do with the archer that put the fragile equilibrium of the fort in danger?"
>Punish him [How?]
>Scold him; leaving only verbal warnings
>Let him be
Once your decision taken on how to deal with the misconduct, Hector climbed back to the Griffon's den and put the chick back with his littermates. But you see the chick coming out again, watching Hector through the end of the day.
>Purple's work on breath weapon : 17.
Your other sister made good progress practicing force breath. She can now spit four targetted missiles, and her area-of-effect breath got more intense.
>Green training with momma Griffin : 18
<span class="mu-g">Little Green</span> comes back at nightfall.
<span class="mu-g">Green progress greatly. Green Airborn predator menace. Fear Green, crawlers!</span>
>Green learned Dive Attack (+1d for his strike against grounded units. He can use 1 exceeding success to keep flying)
Final point, the humans did a little better than just brewing drama. They found some spare balista strings in the second's floor guards room and re-stringed the three ballista you put out of commission. The lancer trained with the oversized bows, to provide utility at the beginning of the battle to come.