Quoted By:
You are very cold, very wet, and very naked. Additional cold water splashes onto your face, while snowflakes float gently down and settle onto your pale bare skin. Everything hurts, your mind most of all, every attempt to probe your memories triggers another spike of pain. Your legs are hanging, your bottom sits in water, your hair, your very long hair floats on the surface of water around you. A stone angel stares at you, or half of one. You look up and find the bottom of it, cracked in two. A bruise forms a line across your stomach like some ugly parasite beneath the skin.
Someone is shouting. Someone picks you up, sets you on your feet, then you collapse to the rocky ground. More shouting. You're carried somewhere, wrapped up. A fire crackles, then roars. Warm liquid is spooned into your mouth and runs down your throat. The world spins in and out of focus.
Your memories hurt.
It feels like a long time before you move of your own accord. Sunlight pours in through a window, showing a muddy street with a bit of snow lurking in the shade between buildings. Every movement is weak, hesitant, stiff. You pat your head and find most of your hair gone.
"Sorry love, most of it fell out and I cut the few stragglers that didn't."
You turn and open your voice, but only a pained croak emerges.
"Been two weeks since you've spoke, probably out of practice." A woman, short and stocky, watches you with critical gray eyes. "Good to see you awake though." She hands you water. "Slow sips. So I have to ask, and everyone probably will, but how in the world did you end up in that fountain?"
You try your voice again. "Fountain?" It's low and weak. "Don't remember... memories..." Sharp pain threatens to split your head in two and you groan, clutching your aching skull.
"Hmm. Don't push yourself love. Lucky to be alive, a bit of memory loss is probably normal. Hopefully the damage isn't too deep though. Well, rest up and we'll see about getting you on your feet in a bit."
Recovery feels slow, agonizingly so, though your doctor seems impressed by the speed. You manage a few steps by evening, across the room the next day. On the third day the doctor let's you walk slowly out of her office and down the street with her by your side. You walk to the fountain which has been patched back together after your collision with it, though a crack can still be seen.
"Anything love?"