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We're sure there is something we're overlooking here.
The Qatsyn are ordered to keep looking and observe the walls and floors. If we're lucky, there may just be some false panel we've missed. The Mug'dal is entering the building now with the High Bailiff to perform a more comprehensive 3D scan via visor.
[23:23 hours]
We've found something.
A false wall in the living room of the first floor. Flimsy wallpaper sheets peeling off in the corners gave it away, The wall was made of boards that felt visibly different from other parts of the wall, we could even poke a hole in the wallpaper with it. The Mug'dal is able to tear it down to reveal another... kitchen?
It seems the kitchen on the second floor may have been a renovation, or this building may have been a duplex at some point. Either way, the kitchen above, which was already in squalor, is to distract in presumable building inspections from this hidden kitchen which is even filthier. There's a horrid stench coming from the kitchen, and we see what appears to be dried bloodstains. Even better, our Mug'dal discovers yet another false wall in the hidden kitchen via 3D scan. More like a big hole in the wall, it leads directly into the tunneled out volcanic rock behind, hidden by a shelf.
We've discovered their tunnel now. No idea how deep it goes. The stench is getting worse the deeper we go into it. Sending feed now...
[23:32 hours]
[QATSYN] "Place is making us want to vomit, command. It reeks."
We've noted strips of flesh hanging from the walls by hooks. They definitely must be harboring a monster. The smell is probably from all the dead bodies they must have back there at the end of the tunnel. There's three rooms ahead we can see. There's also a damn florescent light above that'd give our movements away if we proceed without caution.
Mug'dals motion sensor is detecting several blips. More Cultists. They've also got something very big back there. Must be chained up. We can hear distinct chanting...
Not a lot of options for approach...
Not sure if we spook the Necromancer that he might try to teleport out. The High Bailiff only needs to touch him to administer a paralysis spell. Then the arrest is complete but we need to ensure he survives.
>Fuck this. Shoot first, ask questions later. Go in and shoot down all those hooded bastards. Get the Mug'dal to charge the Necromancer with the Bailiff, we should get that bastard fast.
>Flashbangs out. Flashbangs everywhere. Use extreme caution. Fire to disable the Necromancer. Fire to kill everything else.
>Wait, let's try drawing them out instead.