>>5369229“Dwarves will never, ever, EVER surrender to the LIKES OF YOU SCALY, BABY-EATING, TOAD-FUCKING—”
The defiant dwarven leader of this doomed-and-damned rescue effort never even gets to finish his final insult. The Hunter takes aim with his great bow and fires an arrow almost the length of the stout mammalian male, skewering him and leaving him standing like a scarecrow before the rest of his forces.
“Lay down your armss and ssubmit to desstiny,” you tell them, “or join thiss on in hiss.”
>19…And so they do, glaring at your forces through bitter tears as they leave their melee and ranged implements of aggression in a great pile and slowly back away to the opposite side. Your forces descend, rappelling down.
>Battle check: automatic success, for your superior numbers, planning, physical condition, and the effect of your intimidation Those few dwarves who foolish lurch towards their abandoned equipment, or to engage your force sin melee combat, are made swift work of by the Drow assassins, while your Reptilians assert control and the kobolds collect and catalogue the spoils.
In the end, less than a quarter of the two-dozen miner-warriors are slain. The rest become willing captives by way of surrenders—new slaves or hostages to your Dark Alliance, who stand jubilant and flush with victory, lording it mercilessly and cruelly over these pretenders your mountain-throne.
What do you command for the captive dwarves?
>Humiliation, to humble them and prepare them for servitude>Mercy and dignity, for they are to be a part of your empire as well>Write-inWhat comes next?
>Hurry to the dwarven fortress, to ensure the safety of your lover (and hero of the day)>Proceed cautiously, with an elite squad of your warriors, to take the keep more methodically>March up in force, captives chained in your midst, and bellow your demands>Intimidate and coerce the already-cowed dwarves into leading you into their own fort to ‘liberate’ it>Write-in