>>5330572You’re pretty sure that compensation’s coming straight out of a <span class="mu-i">certain someone’s</span> bank account– a bank account that’s getting filled handsomely for being a corporate pawn.
>Now that you’ve learned that you’ll be playing host to a slew of young mutants for the foreseeable future, is there anything else you want to ask or tell Matt before you hang up?>Nah, just tell Matt you’re still going to kick his ass for spam-calling you and hang up.>Ask how someone (Julia/Bernard/Jenna/Write-in) is doing? Any news on them?>Ask him when he's coming back to Konigsburg? He doesn't need to know that the situation with Conduit's changed *yet,* but you need to get planning/prepping for the extraction sooner rather than later.>Does he have any better living arrangements for the captives, besides (presumably) a barn for the forseeable future? Who the heck is watching them all day?>Write-in>(2/2)