Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)
Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 287 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 25 humans
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 18 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 7 riding horses
Cattle: 80
Food: enough for (+2d4) seasons
Treasury: 2000 silver
Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 20 wooden houses, Caravan Inn (2), Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)
Law: Levy (still unspecified)
Current Season: Winter
Year 4494
1 - this region is really dangerous, we need allies
2 - we shouldn't bother the vampires for now
3 - we should do something about those winter demons
4 - we should buy more cattle
5 - we shouldn't train more warriors than we can feed
1 - Our liege will send an emissary to check on our progress on winter
2 - Pinguenza is facing a shortage of metals
3 - The count of Peruetave is inviting local nobles for the marriage party of his son.
What do you want to do?
Choose one action per season.