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Pony gives a “Woo!” at each <span class="mu-s">bamf</span> your quirk produces, catching the pillow and then softly tossing it to Angus in turn. Surprisingly, it takes only a moment longer for the little guy to start copying her in cheering you on while stacking the whole lot into an ever growing pile of plush for all of you to build with.
Your cousin’s raised voice still resides comfortably on the “indoor” side of the spectrum, but you’re still elated to see him come out of his shell in any little way. You aren’t the only one it seems, as Rik gives his son a double take as he passes by when the latter ‘loudly’ lays claim to a matching pair of throw pillows.
It doesn’t take too long for the three of you to make a sizable structure utilizing most of the remaining floor space. The few pillows that remain after are quickly repurposed to pad the ground so that every surface was now soft and springy.
In the middle of it all, Angus kept himself busy tinkering with a single cubby hole at the base of the couch with which he could climb and snuggle into. Once satisfied it wasn’t going to collapse on him, he set about decorating it inside and out with his preferred cushions, including galloping back to his room to fetch his lamb plushie.
Every once in a while Pony politely asked for Angus’ “help” in holding a wall or placing a cushion in a particular way, the little guy never picking up on the fact she was creating alcoves and tunnels matching his size for him to crawl around in. For your part, you mostly lounged on the spreading softness, every so often assisting Pony in her grand designs by shrinking and enlarging given pieces at her request to perfectly fit and squish together.
Another surprise came up during when you watched Angus struggle with a bulbous pillow far too soft to support anything. Instead of tossing it aside and trying with another one, he grabbed the tip of his tail like a brush and marked a circle on the cushion, flattening it with dramatic <span class="mu-s">oomph</span> and a small gust of air. He followed this up by tapping it twice, then tracing a line on it before finally letting go of his tail. At once, the pillow fluffed up but only a smidgen compared to before. Happy with the result, Angus turned the slab of now semi-crushed feathers and fabric sideways to use as a sturdy support for the larger fort.
Something to ask him about later, perhaps…
By the time your friend gave a final dramatic nod at the finishing touches she placed on Fort Awesome (her idea), you were starting to fight yourself from wobbling back and forth on your knees. You had a big breakfast before your day out at the mall, but that rather inconvenient life-or-death encounter led to you not having eaten anything since.