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Lucian had never seen such a large concentration of people before in his lifetime. To be among them was a different matter entirely for the Black Knight. Streets were filled with dwarfs buzzing around trying to get from place to place with stock of goods and weapons within each of their hands. The loudness of their bartering rang across the hall as several dwarfs were yelling at each other demanding that they get a better deal than the last person.
Lucian, as a Peasant, had seen bartering before but the occasional punch made by the customer or the seller was a different matter entirely. One of the customers would throw a hand at the owner of the stall, only for themselves to be thrown back by a powerful blow by the seller. To the Knight’s surprise things did not degrade into a brawl between them but instead a narrowing of the price in favor of the seller’s stronger hand.
Lucian noticed also one thing, that the amount of beards was beyond what he reasonably thought was possible. Every man-dwarf who walked through these halls possessed some kind of beard. There were some who did not have beards, but Lucian guessed them to be the woman-dwarfs as their hair was rivaling the beards of the males. Yet many of they too possessed beards, the style clearly not being segregated between sexes.
“You enjoying what you’re seeing?” Adok asked over his shoulder at Lucian, “You got a view of just about everything happening, don’t ya?”
“I do, and things are… more brutal than I would think.” Lucian admitted to his companion, “I’m a little surprise that no one has taken out an axe yet.”
“Ha, well we Dwarfs are tougher than Umgi, so we don’t mind throwing each other around a little bit.” Pointed out the Dwarf with a chuckle, “But…”
Lucian could hear the Dwarf’s voice drop and felt weariness as it came, “What?”
“Let’s head to the Forge.” The Dwarf said without any other delay.