>>5749081The First National Bank is an imposing edifice of stone and concrete. It's a monument to capitalism, and a temple where hundreds come daily to offer a tithe of sacrifice to divine greed.
Inside, the cavernous marble lobby echo with the muted sounds of hushed conversations and shuffling papers. The customers wait anxiously for their turn, standing in line or sitting on benches, glancing at the clocks on the wall. What they don't know is there are wolves among the sheep. They wait in lines or fill out forms like the others, blending in with the everyday clientele. Each has a bag they keep unobtrusively at their side, pretending it doesn't hold combat gear. Each has ready in their pocket a mask, a pair of thick sunglasses, or whatever it is they use as their second face for the world of crime.
In the alley clusters a second group, already masked up and prepared. Their heartbeat is a countdown to the moment of action. They grip their tools and weapons tightly, already sweating in the midday Florida heat. Get on with it already. Give the signal. Let's see some action!
The main assault team approaches the ornate entrance of the bank. This group isn't dressed to blend in, but to stand out. They're here to fuck things up, and they want everyone to know it.
Pedestrians see them and, even at a distance, understand something is very wrong and hurry away. Birds take flight from the trees, as if sensing an impending storm. Soon the street is empty but for the gang, along with two accomplices at either end of the street who give you a knowing nod.
Hasn't everyone, at some point in their life, wanted to rob a bank? Now's your big chance.
Turn 1 begins.