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TalOS gave a subtle nod as he bowed his head, +Activate the alerts to alert the crew! Hold everything down that you hold dear! Upon this moment we traverse the realm of monsters to that of our Lord!+
Just like every other time he spoke those words the entire room went red with alerts. The bridge staff bolted themselves into place as the Ritual of Exit began.
+Bring the Energy Generation to Max and disengage the safeties. Direct all power to the blessed Warp Drive, for it is our salvation!+ TalOS declared in a commanding voice that rang through the entire space ship, +Awaken her with all this might, awaken the Divine Sunderer! Pray to the Machine God for souls as she awakens!+
Upon those words the Priests did as they were told, bowing their heads as an unseen rip in the immaterium was ripped. The entire ship began to shake as they moved forward through what could only be described as a harrowing phenomena quaked their system.
But as always beforehand it stopped. With his spirits held a little higher TalOS announced, +Raise the iron curtains and let us see our destination. Bask in the Glory that is the Machine God for we have ARRIVED!+
Just like every time before TalOS was greeted by a new system and its myriad of scans upon it. Their directional systems noted a route between their ship and the planet they were approaching would place them through an Asteroid belt. Moments after directions were determined the sensor information came in.
+We have an above average amount of ship. Deviation from average is with an Alpha of 2.89.+
TalOS nodded to the abnormality, +And the Psychic readings?+
+Deviation at 3.34.+ Declared an Adept as he noted not only the abnormality but problem with those words.
Visual feed was given to TalOS and there before them was a modest size fleet. It would be comparable to what the Xenos held in reserve in their home system, but TalOS’s fleet was much larger.
+Interesting.+ TalOS declared as he looked at the issue, +Did we drop upon where they are building their fleet, or is it something more.+
TalOS looked at the systems and understood that the rest of the Mechanicum’s fleet would soon be arriving. There has to be a trick afoot.
>Ignore the system, they don’t need its resources right now.
>Gather the fleet and approach, see if you can screen out any attacks.
>Using dislocation as an advantage, approach the planet from all sides.
>Other plans