>>5657581“For a certain time. I was with him for the opening moves of the battle before my unit was redeployed to Eriadu.”
“And that’s where you were when Order 66 happened.”
“I was shot out of the sky by my own squadron. I survived by playing dead, hiding in the gutters and sewers until I ran into Bultar Swan, where she invited me to the Conclave.”
“Damn…sorry, Master Choi, I was hoping that you’d might have known where Yoda went.”
“Master Yoda is alive?”
“Yeah. My master went to the temple after everything happened. He said that Yoda tried to take on the Sith controlling Palpatine-”
“I think we both know, young Farren, that Palpatine and the master of Darth Vader are one and the same.”
“…and here I thought the Triumvirate was going to be keeping that under wraps.”
“I’ll defer to your master’s judgement for now, but I would very much like to speak with him. I’m not used to this whole cloak-and-dagger way of life.”
“…we kept it under wraps to not spook our younglings.”
“Fair enough, I suppose. But Yoda is alive?”
“Empire still has an open bounty on his head. Him and any Jedi that they personally didn’t confirm dying.”
“…that’s good. Force willing, I hope that many of those bounties are never closed.”
>>Master Robilo Darté – Human Guardian (General/Peacekeeper/Soresu Defender)“My clones helped me escape. We were in-transit when they got the order. It caused…confusion among the ranks.”
“They could disobey the chancellor’s orders?”
“Only the veterans. The fresh blood that gradually replaced my legion were very quick to comply.”
“So what exactly happened?”
“My aide warned me before the gunfire started. Dropped us out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. But even though my loyalists had the bridge, we were nearly locked out of every system. We decided to evacuate.”
“And what did your loyalists think of Order 66?”
“Separatist plot. They knew me – I don’t have the stomach for politicking the way the Grand Council did. The idea of me being in on any sort of Jedi coup was absurd.”
“That’s…good to hear. To be frank, your story is anomalous compared to everyone else’s.”
“I was quick to learn that mine was the exception, rather than the rule. Almost every master at the Conclave who commanded Clones said that theirs didn’t hesitate.”
“Regretfully, that seems to be par for the course. But how did you escape your ship?”
“We fought towards the hangar, floor-by-floor. There was a little shuttle that had a functioning hyperdrive. It was…a difficult battle.”
“Were all of the loyalists with you?”
“…no. Some of them were detained. Others shot on the spot for questioning their orders. But those that escaped caused havoc across the ship, sabotaging systems and tying up others to buy time to get to the hangar.”