Rolled 85 (1d100)
>>5415861>>5415862>>5415863>>5415865>>5415874>>5415886>>5415887>>5415918>>5415937>>5415940>>5415952>>5415970>>5415974>>5415990>>5416005>>5416021>>5416583You choose to evolve a stronger and more versatile digestive system, to improve the Flounder Feeder's calorie intake from vegetable matter and prevent further population loss during the starving times. Unlike the Shufflers that boast three separate digestion chambers, the Flounder Feeders only possess a single stomach but theirs is augmented by rudimentary saliva and pincers tearing pieces into smaller chunks as they are eaten. In time, it could even come to rival the robust digestive systems of far future Terran mammals.
>Roll 4 1d100s.