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All the discussion on a "GOOD" fantasy quest has completely ruined my mental state at the minute. Fantasy settings are basically my whole life.
Once I was a voracious reader of YA fiction and greedily imagined different fantasy worlds, characters, and scenarios including crossovers and reading fanfiction of my favorite novels. I felt very strongly that these stories were more "real" and significant to me then real life. I was so desperate in fact that I actually though isekai (or "portal fantasy" as we called it) could actually be real, and lived my life very earnestly expecting and wishing I could be transported to a fantasy world- even doing things like trying to develop real life psychic powers or studying "magic" crystal Wiccan garbage IRL because I was so desperate for an escape. One of my earliest childhood memories was listening to my Grand Mother read Harry Potter and fully expecting and hoping for a Hoggwartts acceptance letter to come for me on my 11th Birthday.
I am in a much better and more mature state now. However, I still find magic and fantasy to be my favorite genre of entertainment or artistic expression- something I want to explore and experience. However despite the above I've never really hammered out a real fantasy world all my own- which is something I though /qst/ would be perfect for. But I don't have any notable expressive skills, writing or drawing, and I greatly fear running a bad quest. Even worse, what if it can't satisfy my true desires for escapism? What if nobody plays it- even if its just MY game and world, I would still feel bad if it was a flop. Even if the Quest is well recieved, I fear that I would suffer from imposter syndrome- presenting as some great Quest-Master when in reality I am a talentless, uncreative loser.
I'm feeling more and more pressure then ever to run a GOOD fantasy quest but starting it is too daunting and scary. The requests for and several other quests mentioned that don't "measure up" to be GOOD even if its a shitpost unironically are giving me anxiety to run my own. I was never able to write a novel or make a game or even draw cool fantasy art despite multiple failed attempts. If I can't even capture this board with my own Quest then it well and truly means it's over for me. Hence, I am too scared to try.