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“Behind you! RUN!”
You leapt into the water, grasping the hen with exceedingly tight grip: it did not matter at this point if it died now or a few seconds later. With a striking splash, you soaked into the marshy water: it, frigid and muggy, drenching you in an instant. Your worn clothes dragged down, offering not much resistance against the depths of the lake; no outerwear was meant to be swim in, but you had multiple layers of such unsuitable garments. Axe and the sword encumbered you, too.
Crisscross had no access to an open sea, or even a gulf, but a stream-river passed through the hamlet, and bigger rivers and lakes stood not much further; that is to say, you knew how to swim, but you were not a -great- swimmer. Gasping, you escaped from the sloughy hold and pulled yourself towards the surface. The sudden lustrous shine bedazzled you.
Vera, confused by your sudden jump and wild shouting, turned her head. She covered herself with her arms, just in time. The serpentine-bipedal beast lunged, the top of its massive ridged head—deep grooves flowing towards its thick neck—ramming into your friend. The weedy island trembled and, for a moment, fell beneath the waters. Vera was plunged backwards, her body hurling through the air, then, like a skipped rock, over the surface, and then under the lake. She was tossed closer to you, but it was hard to find any other positives in your situation.
The wet hen flapped its wings erratically: it was trying to stay afloat as much as you were. Perhaps, this chicken even wished to fly away. Not today, hen; not you. There was no way you’d be able to stay afloat with the chicken at hand: moving both of your hands was necessary. You tossed the bait above where Veronica fell, although the hen well not too far from it.
The reptile slithered into the water. The frothing spumes plus the handle of the struck pickaxe was the only trappings to guide you to where it was; in water, of course, it was moving even faster. Was Vera unconscious?
> You can trust your friend to stay awake and float herself up. Wait until the beast bites the bait, and then stab it!
> Swim to where Veronica disappeared beneath the waves, and submerge to assist and bring her back if necessary. Do you have the time?
> Wait until the beast bites the bait, and then try and grab the pickaxe and climb on top of it. Pull the pick to lead the reptile away from your friend, and, the opportunity presents itself, retrieve the axe (or the sword?) and viciously stab it!
> Swim to where the hen landed, hopefully reaching it before the reptile. Throw it further away to give yourself time.
> [Write In]