Quoted By:
Lucinda Newhorn’s strife didn’t begin with her wish. At some point in her younger years, while she still had her hair done in drill curls, the structures that were supposed to protect her took a very sharp turn. She found herself getting courted by the likes of teachers and policemen with but a single foot inside highschool, and found that nobody was willing to stand between her and the authorities that used to protect her.
Some didn’t even want to own her.
Some just wanted to see her burn.
That’s how it started. Pepper spray, pocket knives, secret recorders, portable yet deafeningly strong alarms, a lot of self-taught boxing… that life of comfort following orders was over. Her gift in violence was made redundant when she became a Magical Girl- but the world didn’t change. You’ve seen it all, from the shadows. Stalking prospect Magical Girls is how you’ve spent the past fifty years.
You lean a bit over the ledge of the wardrobe, not entirely not scared. You’ve seen Lucinda sleep outside or stand under the rain for hours but it seems she also found freedom on the Internet, freedom surprisingly often spent looking at cars on shopping websites- right now, she’s checking the specifications on a Ford Torino. Fancy stuff there, Lucinda. Other times you’ve caught her checking out traveling spots, music videos, job boards, and trivia on celebrities, way too normal stuff for such a dreaded monster. Well, she DOES answer spam emails with death threats (one sender even apologized) and she does only play a single video game and no other, and that game is Need For Speed Underground 2 from like twenty years ago- but that’s it for her quirks.
That, and the fact that she never had friends at any point.
Hmm, it’s getting closer to the time when the Fucknado goes to that abandoned factory backyard to train. It happens every day and without fail, and doesn’t stop until she’s out of breath.
Hmmmmmm…!! You wonder why someone as efficient as her isn’t already looking for an alternative or a replacement necromancer… muhu! Muhuhuhuu!! That being said, she isn’t texting Lifa yet, and that’s bad Lucinda, I want you to write to her
but how do I make you? Hmm. What can I do that would make you try?
>Write In!
There’s all sorts of stuff in this house since both her parents are hardcore hoarders. With a little digging, you could find pretty much anything in here…