>>5369652Even if the defenders are as doped and dopey as these dwarves now in your clutches, you see no reason to be reckless about this final push. After all, you have thus far avoided any casualties, or even major injuries, to your forces! This also provides a perfect opportunity for an object lesson for the dwarves, as to the new rules which shall govern their lives.
Your first measure sis to have the dwarves tied up, or chained when there are sufficient chains to do so. Alas, your current resources still mean most are bound by simpler and more breakable means; luckily, the captives’ toxic affliction and their terror of your forces leaves them unable or unwilling to do so. You next have hem divided into smaller groups, to be watched over by the kobolds and Drow, each with a Reptilian overseer in charge—a caste system in-the-making, perhaps?
You march through the lines, stopping at each group in turn, and making much the same pitch.
“What are you?” or “What do you want?” a dwarf will often demand.
You reiterate your earlier declaration of draconic mastery, and he (more often than not) reacts in horror and disbelief, or muted defiance. Then, you ask him:
“What isss the current sstatusss of the company town’ss defenccce?”
Those who cooperate quickly are rewarded—given a sample of the dwarven ale from your existing stores, water, wound-care by the Novice Fleshweaver. You instruct the kobolds and dark elves to loosen their bonds, to treat them with respect and dignity. You explain to them the way of this world, of YOUR world: the loyal and Dark Gods are not evil, to those who do no evil unto them. Follow your orders, accept their place in the new Age of Darkness, and they need not suffer as slaves forevermore.
"Dwarvesss enjoy their toil, do they not?" you ask. "Toil well, and rewardsss await."
Those who spit insults, or literal saliva, receive a boot to the face, and sample your sword until they beg for mercy and relinquish the information you seek. Then, and only then, do you grant them to cruel mercy you are prepared to provide: you throw them to the humiliation and cruelty of the elves and kobolds, who strip them of valuables, beata nd abuse them… And shave their precious beards.
"Thisss isss the price for defying fate," you tell the horrified spectators.