Quoted By:
I arrived back to the Bunker after leaving Blickery. I reached an agreement with Medhon and Morwenna to take Morgrim down. The forces of the Afterseas are no doubt rallying to prevent his downfall. I should prepare myself and undertake the mission when I'm ready.
(A new Case-File is available.)
>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Cursed Closure (Morgrim, Count of Beasts)
• Exorcism in Oakville (Mister Saturday)
• The Duel (Sivil the Pride)
• The Dagger of Death (Usultu, God of Weapons)
• Motherly Mourning (Shennu of the Rapids)
• Changing the Channel (Yasukuni, God of Media)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• Catastrophenia (Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo and Joco's opinion.
>Find a human who'd be willing to face the Alien God.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Lord Sarakha, the Primarch (Tower of the Gods)
• Yutu the Jade Rabbit (The Moon)
• Surasira, Bovine Goddess of Milk and Torpor (Land of Milk)
• Cricket Feet, God of Directions (Toushi Township)
• Sincere Sasaki and Sincere Satomi, Twin Gods of School (Easterlind City)
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Gaizar, Alien God of Energy and Invasion (Supercomputer NIBIRU)