Quoted By:
This place is all aching loneliness, long halls and distant sneering cold commands. Move. Do. Pick up. Put down. Stretch. Sit down. Turn around. Face the wall. What are you thinking about? Tell us where they are. Tell us where they went. Tell us what happened.
As if you even knew the answer to any of that.
As if you'd tell them if you did.
You do as you told. You fall in line. You follow the marks on the ground and abide by the regulations and obey and bow and scrape and while doing all that, you wait. You listen. There are other people here.
And they might be just as fucking tired of being apushed around as you are. But they'll need someone to point them in the right direction, someone to channel the focus, to mind the gaps, kee the corners, coordinate the chaos.
Maybe in a former life, you did that kind of thing? Maybe before you ended up here, for whatever foolish reason, you found that people in th middle of confusing and curious circumstance looked your way and listened to your words?
Maybe they did.
Maybe you'll have to make them listen.
You've got this. You're just one little walking sac of maimable flesh and brittle bones and puncturable vital organs and oh so fragile squishy brains, but so what? A single ant scurries under foot and no onlooker notice.
But if an army of ants come down the path, you get out the *way*.
>Perhaps you'd like to avoid tangling with curious cosmic circumstance and prefer more mundane matters, such as holding in the bleeding guts of your dying friends and avoiding suppression fire because bullet hurts? You can try that too.
#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.